CBSE Class-12 Compartment Exam 2020 : Question Paper- Physical Education

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CBSE Class-12 Compartment Exam 2020 : Question Paper- Physical Education

Q1. What is the formula to calculate the number of matches in a single league tournament ? 

(A) N – 1

(B) N(N – 1)

(C) N(N – 1)/2 

(D) 2N– N

Q2. Which one of the following is an advantage of round robin tournament ? 

(A) Time consuming

(B) More number of officials

(C) Expensive 

(D) Decides the real strong team 

3. Which one of the following is a food that is high in ‘fats’ ?

(A) Oranges 

(B) Bread

(C) Red meat

(D) Tomatoes 

4. The vitamins soluble in water are  

(A) Vitamin C and B

(B) Vitamin K and E

(C) Vitamin D and A

(D) All of the above  

5. Vajrasana should not be performed if an individual is suffering from

(A) Hernia

(B) Peptic Ulcer

(C) Asthma

(D) Chronic Knee Pain 

6. The benefit/s of Shavasana is/are  

(A) It increases concentration power

(B) It provides relaxation in High Blood Pressure 

(C) It is helpful in reducing stress

(D) All of the above 

Q7. Expanded form of SPD is  

(A) Sensory Processing Disorder

(B) Sensory Personal Disorder

(C) Sensory Problem Disorder

(D) Sensory Persona Disorder 


What is the most important, while dealing with CWSN ? 

(A) Time

(B) Sympathy

(C) Patience 

(D) All of the above 

Q8. The full form of ODD is  

(A) Oppositional Defiant Disorder

(B) Obese Deficient Disorder 

(C) Opposite Different Disorder

(D) None of the above 


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